Economic Development Celebrates
Keynote Speaker Jason Duff, of Small Nation, explains how he and his investment group were able to turn two Ohio towns into thriving communities. His hometown of Bellefaintaine (pronounced bell fountain) had lost its downtown to big box stores and pharmacies. Through hard work and perseverance, Duff and his team revitalized the downtown area. In 10 years, they turned a dying town into a "Best in State" destination.
Strasser said the past year had been one of transition as he took the reins from Randy Mitchell, long time president of the organization. A new chairman of the board, Jeff Campbell, was elected in December.
"To say that these transitions were peaceful and orderly is an understatement. The board, their officers and Mr. Mitchell were strategic in their decisions in every way, something this organization has come to be known for," Strasser said.
He talked on several points of success over the last year and for those coming in 2024 and beyond. They are celebrating 60 new jobs created in the county last year, and 20 new business start ups and expansions by local entrepreneurs.
He said capital investment in equipment and buildings was over $104 million and an additional 350 megawatts were added to renewable energy projects.
One of the points to celebrate was the grants through the Indiana Economic Development Corporation's READI grant program. White County is one of seven counties in the Lafayette region, which shares READI grant funds. White County received $4 million in grants last year, with $2 million going to the development of housing in the Sycamore Estates in Monticello. The grant offsets the cost of infrastructure to the development and, Strasser said, there will be a groundbreaking soon for the new subdivision.
Another $2 million READI 1.0 grant also went to the Riverwalk trail project in Monticello. Strasser said the READI 1.0 grant matches brought in $6 million locally, and another $10 million in private investment.READI 2.0 is currently in the planning stage, with an emphasis on affordable housing. The region received $35 million from Indiana Economic Development Corporation this year, and White County will receive $4.2 million of that. Strasser said they are looking at apartment projects in Monticello, and improvements to the wastewater treatment facility in Monon.
There are small open lots with infrastructure in place in these communities that are ready for development. "We want to bring back vibrancy to the communities," he said. There are 50 lots they are hoping to have developed in the next three years.
Strasser explained the county needs people to work and live in the county. Right now, there is a shortage of available housing so people who come here to work, end up living outside the county and eventually finding jobs in the Lafayette area instead.
KTC, a Texas company, will be building a facility near Monon, adding 30 new jobs and investing $5 million.
Key Natural Energy is planning to build a battery storage facility near Reynolds that will be the company's largest storage facility with an expected investment of $475,000.
Belstra Milling Co. from DeMotte, is planning to build a feed store and garden center on US 24, outside Reynolds, with a $500,000 investment.
White County Economic Development is helping businesses who need skilled workers, making funds available for training as well as housing and childcare. "We want a sound, stable atmosphere for people to come and locate here," he said. "We're uncovering community pride and revealing it to the world."
Text and Photo by Cheri Shelhart of the News and Review
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